Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How is life in America changes during and after the cold war?

It got colder then warmer.How is life in America changes during and after the cold war?From 1990-Sept. 2001 the U.S. citizenry had no major enemy to hate.How is life in America changes during and after the cold war?We were more concerned with the Iran Contra Affair, the NSC staffer Marine Lt. Oliver North was secretly selling arms to Iran, with Reagan, Bush, Sr., and Casper Weinberger, defense secretary in a cover-up along with W.J. Casey, former CIA director. (Woodward's %26quot;Veil%26quot; 1987 and T. Draper's %26quot;A Very Thin Line%26quot;, 1991)

Now George W. Bush is entangled in lies and deception, scandals, and the war in Iraq.

Only the names and faces have changed, the %26quot;good ole boys%26quot; are just at it again.