Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What is the most important amendment, in your opinion? Why? How has it changed America?

I know libs will say %26quot;oh no another gun nut%26quot; but, the most important amendment is the second amendment. Only it can guarantee the other rights and amendments in the constitution. A court cannot guarantee these rights. A politician cannot guarantee these rights. An election cannot guarantee these rights. Only 300 million people exercising their right to keep and bear arms can guarantee the government does not try to infringe on any of the peoples' constitutional rights without their consent.

It has changed America because only we (Americans) have the rights given to us by our forefathers on a piece of paper backed by the means and tools to ensure those rights are never taken from us.What is the most important amendment, in your opinion? Why? How has it changed America?To me there are a few that are the most important, 1-10 (The Bill of Rights) because they give us the basic rights that most of us take for granted of today. With out these we would have no newspapers, news, church, and probably would have a lot more criminals. Also the 19th was very important. It gave women the right to vote and officially made men and women equal