Friday, June 3, 2011

Do you think Obama will actually change America?

Do you really think Obama is capable of changing a country?

In my opinion it's not the president that rules the country, its the world bankers, secret agencies etc.

The president is just there puppet.

I mean did you think George Bush could've run a country, he probably can't even tie his own shoe laces. The presidents are nothing at all, compared to the elite powers in this world. World bankers, oil owners, federal agencies and people who control the economy are the real people who control America and the world. So all the people that are acting like Obama is a God send, do you really believe he will change America?Do you think Obama will actually change America?I agree with Truth the first answer,and you. He would not be where he is unless he was going to aid the powers in bringing our country into the NWO. Stock up on food and bullets, the worst of times is yet to come.

And for those uninformed masses that dont know what we are talking about,%26quot; Read None Dare call it Conspiracy%26quot; for starters.Do you think Obama will actually change America?Yeah... right into the New World OrderDo you think Obama will actually change America?Bush certainly changed the country--for the WORSE. Obama could take that kind of change to the next level if he were elected, which will never happen.Do you think Obama will actually change America?You'll have %26quot;change%26quot; in your pocket when he taxes you to death!Do you think Obama will actually change America?yes, a drastic change for the worse!Do you think Obama will actually change America?No. The president CAN have some say in a lot of stuff, more then you give credit to. But, they DO make Obama out to be a God and...he's just not. Do you think Obama will actually change America?He already has. Bless him for even wanting to take on the mess that Bush will leave behind. Can you imagine McCain making a difference? The guy can't remember squat as it is.Do you think Obama will actually change America?No one who is actually aware of what politics are like would say that Obama will all of a sudden change the world. Few would even say that we would see drastic changes while he's in office. Instead, what we are likely to see is many small changes. Whether or not he controls many aspects of government and of the nation as a whole, he will still be able to engage in small victories that may compile into something beneficial. Bush managed to move in the reverse directions, with many small losses amounting to a huge deficit. Hopefully Obama can reverse at least some of that.Do you think Obama will actually change America?I think Obama will do what he says he'll do. I can assure though, that nothing will change if McCain is elected and we'd only continue to go downhill.Do you think Obama will actually change America?I think it's foolish to think Obama will personally change America. He does have noble intentions though and the general public loves his attitude. Even though there are world bankers, oil owners, etc... the general public will always be the deciding factor in government policies. Do you think Obama will actually change America?The last 8 years proved George Bush can't lead a horse to water.

However, the president has much more power than you give him credit for. If he didn't, Bush's policies would not have crippled our nation.Do you think Obama will actually change America?yes, he will change the country and he will turn it into a marxist state