Friday, June 3, 2011

Republicans and the changing of America?

The United States is going through one of its most important demographic changes in its history. Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, has much to do with this along with other groups such as Indians and East Asians migrating into the country. How will the Republicans adopt to this? Will the Republican Party eventually reflect the diversity of the country?Republicans and the changing of America?In the end, it's all about numbers.

I think that for Republicans, it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. If they attempt to be more inclusive then they will loose the republican base. If they remain the same then they will be increasingly outnumbered each election cycle.

I'm not saying that all republicans are racist, but I do think that racists are 99% more likely to join the Republican party.

I think that a more likely scenerio will be that the republican party will split into 2 parties and a 3rd party will eventually take the place of the republican party.

I think there are many minorities who like some of the republican ideas but who are turned off by the whole cowboy hat/confederate flag thing.

the bottom line is that if they change too much they will lose the base and if they don't change enough they will not have the numbers needed to carry the swing states.Republicans and the changing of America?Starting with Bobby Jindal.. duh?

That's enough diversity.Republicans and the changing of America?There will always be biggots on both sides. The best hope for the GOP is to rediscover true conservatism like Ron Paul.Republicans and the changing of America?I love it.

We are watching our beloved land turn into a third world country.

Woooo.... isn't this great?Republicans and the changing of America?Those who are looking for handouts and a nanny will go to the Dems. Those who are responsible and adult will go to the Republicans.Republicans and the changing of America?Vote Ron Paul in 2012!Republicans and the changing of America?Isn't it wonderful, the main accomplishment we want is lots of illegal aliens, we make them dependent on government programs, give them amnesty and whamo, a guaranteed voting block for us Dems, what will eventually happen is we will have a one party system so the Repubs don't have to adjust to anything. Wonderful strategy huh.Republicans and the changing of America?If you mean to hand out free money from the Government, then no. How do you think that the Democratic party maintains all these minority groups? How do these people typically vote? That's right, on the side that gives them the most. Democrats have kept these minorities reliant on the Government for so long, that they could not even make it on their own. How backwards is it that the Republican party has been given that %26quot;racist%26quot; label? Just because the DNC is full of every minority group in the country, doesn't mean that it's not racist. It means that they are being controlled by a small group of white Democrats in DC...almost like slavery. It will be hard to keep them uneducated now that they let one be president though...good luck with that one.Republicans and the changing of America?Osama is a tree hugging liberal who bows to the enemies. Embarrassing!Republicans and the changing of America?I think that you'll see the Republican party split into two separate parties: the %26quot;John McCain circa 2004%26quot; party that is fiscally conservative but socially moderate, and the %26quot;Sarah Palin%26quot; party which is very socially conservative and really grounded in religious fundamentalism.

Both parties would each steal a lot of voters who are currently Democrats: fiscal conservatism has broad appeal, as does religious fanaticism.

Ultimately I think we'd be better off with that three-party system; neither the GOP nor the Dems really reflects my personal views very well these days.Republicans and the changing of America?We are being invaded and we get to pick up the bill. Doubt if the Reps will ever be with you on that one.Republicans and the changing of America?America was never meant to be %26quot;diverse%26quot;. America is the great melting pot and all should become Americans.Republicans and the changing of America?Republicans are incapable of grasping the concept of %26quot;change.%26quot; As long as whatever it is, be it war, pestilence or famine, which makes money for rich old white people, Republicans are all for it. This is the party that gave us two *****:Nixon and Cheney. This is the party that gave us Hoover and the Great Depression. and the oily-haired Alzheimers president who bankrupted the country. And lets not forget the retarded monkey who left office,(thank God) on January 20th.Republicans and the changing of America?I doubt it.

If they do not go back to being conservative they will be gone.Republicans and the changing of America?Depends on what you see as diversity. If what you mean by representing the diversity of the country is supporting the murder of the unborn and redefining marriage to adapt to someones perverted behavior. No, don't expect that anytime soon. God bless.Republicans and the changing of America?The Republican party has always been the party of true diversity. We don't care who you are as long as you can pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and stand on your own two feet. It has always been the Democratic party that has worked to enslave the people of this country through racial and economic divides and class envy and warfare. Of course with the major media as their allies, the democratic party has been very successful in making the soundbite generation think they are the cat's meow.Republicans and the changing of America?Look at those answers. America may be changing but the republican party isn't so it's going to be a pretty big stretch for the republicans to represent the diversity of America.

If the republican party refuses to evolve as the country does, they will become even further removed from gaining power again.Republicans and the changing of America?The republican party likes all races if they believe in having values.

The republican party has more than just white males in it's ranks.Republicans and the changing of America?Wow! I just know what you mean. I just caught Obama giving a commercial in Spanish! I was totaly impressed. I know a bit of Spanish from high school, enough to know when he greeted brother Hugo Chavez it was with como estas.

The Republicans want to STOP the changing of America.Republicans and the changing of America?What do you mean how will republicans handle this change? Just like the democrats, or the independents, or any of the others.Republicans and the changing of America?Why ask only how the Republicans will adapt to this. Why not ask How will the libs %26amp; Demos adapt ? There' s more than Republicans who reside in America.Republicans and the changing of America?I certainly hope so, but in all honesty (and I am not a Republican so don't take this as crying), from what I have seen, the great majority of people coming in from other countries are not here to benefit us...but to benefit themselves....and from a social standpoint, liberal government leaders are much more prone to providing social and financial programs than are the conservatives. Conservatives expect people to do what they need to do to provide for themselves for the most part....although there are exceptions to that tendency. But, either way, until every American who wants to working at a decent paying job...I would prefer that NO ONE be allowed to immigrate (even legally) to this country unless coming to live with and be supported by a family member.Republicans and the changing of America?The Republican party is out of touch with the people and their needs. Eventually they will fade away and a new party will be formed which is more in tune with people, both foreign and domestic.Republicans and the changing of America?The same as we always have. Not only do republicans have to deal with the illegal desirables that are crossing our borders daily and consider it their job to breed as many offspring as possible; the democrats, independents and libertarians also have to deal with this. Get your head out of your @ss and stop looking at the world with rose colored glasses. These people are destroying the United States, NOT helping us.Republicans and the changing of America?FROM WHAT I HEARD, REPUBLICANS ARE ALWAY OPPOSES TO CHANGE AND PROGRESS, SO WHY NOT STAY CONSERVATIVE AND IGNORANT