Friday, June 3, 2011

How can we in America, change the laws where certain places of employment MUST give,,,, see below?

their employees more than a five minute break? Or a twenty minute lunch?Really this is unfair, to the people who have to work hard, for their pay, to only recieve a big 5 minute break to the restroom and back, or a 20 minute lunch, and have to fight to use either the mircowave or to get something out of the machines.If people would ban together on this, I do believe something can be done.How can we in America, change the laws where certain places of employment MUST give,,,, see below?you need to check your labor laws and eorkers rights which in most states should be posted in your wor place and if you have a union you can talk to them. but i know in philadelphia and the soundring cities if you work 8hrs. a day you are entilted to a 30min. lunch break and 2 15min. breaksso if you are working 12hrs. a day you should get at least an 1hr. lunch and 2 15min. breaks. if 6hrs. you should get either a 30min. lunch or 2 15min. breaks. but like i said please check with you labor board and do your own researchto find out and if in high school they have rules and laws for them to.How can we in America, change the laws where certain places of employment MUST give,,,, see below?state laws say break should be 10 mins. every 2 hours

we get 10 min breaks every 2 hours and a 1 hour lunch and

if it was an easy job people would stick aroundHow can we in America, change the laws where certain places of employment MUST give,,,, see below?Well either you have a union, depending on the type of work you do (autoworker, electrician, supermarket, etc...) or you write to your representative (district or state congress) and tell them about these issues. Political representatives are supposed to represent the people to help them.

For example, I believe in California the state law requires more than what you are talking about (10 or 15 minute break and 30 minute lunch, don't recall the details at the moment).
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