Friday, June 3, 2011

Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?

I personally would like to take a neutral stance against this man. I don%26#039;t know much about what he%26#039;s doing. All I know is that my dad can%26#039;t watch an ounce of the news without getting pissed off at him.

And no I am not a democrat or republican as I am only 16. Personally I think both parties are absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, I just want to know what you guys think since I%26#039;m pretty clueless to all that%26#039;s going on.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Sorry, But he has degraded America to other nations. He seems to be a Socialist, that is going to finish selling America Out.

He has spent so much, that you and your children and childrens%26#039; children will never get this off the books..

As with our previous presidents, he also, is so smart he doesn%26#039;t have a clue. So he can%26#039;t be given all the blame, there is plenty to go back to.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?At 16, I would suggest you enjoy being clueless for a couple of years.

Finding more out about this is just going to depress you.

Chill out and have some fun.

When the time comes for you to pick a political party, if you must, check this one out.

http://www.americanmoderatepoliticalpartPoll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?He is screwing up the US big time! But he did promise change didn%26#039;t he? .... He just failed to tell everyone that it wouldn%26#039;t be a change for the better....Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?messing upPoll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?President Obama inherited two never-ending wars that have cost millions in blood and trillions in treasure (your Mom and Dad%26#039;s tax dollars at work to fund no-bid contracts to VP Cheney%26#039;s former company) and the most disastrous financial crisis since the Great Depression. Considering the challenges the new President faces, he is making every attempt to rectify the failures of the last administration and Republican Congressional control from 1994-2007. Obama has only been in office for 6 months, and our problems essentially began in the early 1980%26#039;s under Reagan and his massive deregulation policies. Bush promoted these policies without regard to their effects which is the reason the country is in dire straits.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Changing America for the Better. I%26#039;d personally like to see him go further and faster, particularly on health care. Overall, he%26#039;s got America moving in the right direction.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?He%26#039;s doing so great that I plan on quitting my job and letting the government take care of me from now on. The Obama will make sure that I am fed, clothed, have a house, and a car. He%26#039;s the best president ever.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Changing America for the worst.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?First since you%26#039;re going to be able to vote pretty soon I%26#039;d like to encourage you to study up on both sides of the issues to figure out where you stand on them. Part of why we%26#039;re facing Obama%26#039;s failures right now is because of people who just went based on what their friends told them without researching for themselves.

Regardless of what people tell you, here is what Obama has done so far since taking office:

- Passed the Stimulus package which is a massive amount of spending that has already been more spending than any US president combined. It has put us in the trillions of dollars in debt that will take my generations great grandchildren to pay off. Every major economist has said it has failed. Joe Biden admitted that the administration underestimated the economic crisis. The exact policies that Obama has been issuing out are the very reasons why California finds itself bankrupt now. They continued to spend enormously and couldn%26#039;t sustain it. The same thing applies for us, if we continue to spend like we are we will end up like California.

- Promised to shut down Guantanamo as well as not hold any terrorist indefinitely, as well as pulling out of Iraq immediately. So far, he has backed out of all those promises

- Cap and trade bill that Obama is pushing will end up raising taxes as well as killing many small business owners, keep in mind that small businesses account for 70% of the nation%26#039;s job creation.

- He%26#039;s promised to cut back on missile defense, at a time when North Korea and Iran are both issuing major threats to our country

- When the protesters in Iran were being burnt alive and thrown off of bridges while they were trying to gain freedoms from Ahmedinejad, and we know that because they were holding up signs in English and although the news organizations were restricted from posting the horrific crimes that Ahmedinejad was allowing against his own people, Barack%26#039;s simple response is %26quot;I%26#039;m appalled.%26quot; at a time when what was needed was a strong stance against terrorism.

- His future goal is to adopt more European Socialism meaning more government control as well as redistributing the wealth and sharing people%26#039;s money with each other. The problem with that is that it means that hard working Americans lose their hard earned money to someone else against their will, and people start to gain the destructive habit of co-dependence on another human being for their survival. You must teach them how to succeed for themselves without having to leech off of others for success or money, because that%26#039;s the only fair thing to do for all Americans.

I didn%26#039;t agree with everything that Bush did, but I will tell you that any fair minded individual that looks beyond all bias, and actually looks to the facts they will see that we can%26#039;t continue down this path. Obama may be extraordinarily popular but the president of the United States is meant for a commander-in-chief that can do the best job as well as inspire Americans to be the best. Obama is failing so far.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Barack Obama has broken so many campaign promises..... anyone who SAYS they support Obama needs to be asked this question.....

WHICH Obama did you vote for?

On Day 15, Obama/Soetoro signed a %26quot;stimulus plan%26quot; (another broken campaign promise) that TRIPLED and now QUADRUPLED the %26quot;terrible deficit%26quot; he got from the Bush Administration. NO MORE complaining about Bush.... Obama took something BAD and made it THREE TIMES WORSE.

Obama has repeated the policy moves of FDR... which EVERY economist and historian agrees EXTENDED the Great Depression by a MINIMUM of 7 years. Now as we see Unemployment approach 10% (a 32 year high)... and the value of the dollar shrink.... and our biggest employers declaring bankruptcy..... and GOVERNMENT claiming %26quot;ownership%26quot; over private companies..... no one with a functioning brain can defend the FAILED and FAILING policies of America%26#039;s least qualified and least experienced President.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Im a true believer to live within your means.When you don%26#039;t have the money you cut back pay off what you owe and STAY out of debt.He has blown itPoll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Your dad is right ! I feel the same, he is really screwing things up! Your generation will pay dearly for the messes he is making , which is probably one of the reasons your dad gets mad! along with the fact that he is making retirement something most of us can no longer look forward to as the golden years !Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?screwing up AmericaPoll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?He is certainly changing America. However, I do not believe it is for the better.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Interesting that the results of this thread tilt heavily towards %26quot;he%26#039;s screwing up%26quot; while most of the nation-wide polls say most Americans think he%26#039;s doing just fine. That suggests the population of Yahoo Answers is not representative of the poulation of the US as a whole. That would be an interesting study.

Anyway, here%26#039;s a little quiz that will help you determine which %26quot;side%26quot; fits you better. Select the answer (A or B) that most closely resembles your opinion:

1) Regarding the environment:

A) Global warming is no big deal if it even exists at all, and environmental laws against it constrain business too much.

B) Global warming is a big problem that we have to address, and environmental laws against it will save us money in the long term.

2) Regarding homosexuality:

A) People who choose to be gay are a menace to traditional families. Society should do everything it can to make sure more people live normal lives.

B) Gays deserve the same rights as everyone else. Society should accept them as different, but not worse.

3) Regarding health care:

A) Any government intervention in health care would undermine the free market and make care worse for everyone who already has insurance.

B) The government should make sure that all Americans have access to health care, even if they can%26#039;t pay for insurance.

4) Regarding foreign policy:

A) The US is the strongest nation in the world. We should act like it. Any time we let another country show us up that undermines our position as world leaders.

B ) The US is the strongest nation in the world, but it%26#039;s not like the rest of the world doesn%26#039;t have its own priorities. Any time we shut other countries out of the decision making process they take us less seriously as world leaders.

5) Regarding taxes:

A) The world would be better if everyone got to keep more of their money for themselves.

B) Taxes are necessary because there are some things everybody needs that only the government can provide.

6) Regarding religion:

A) The US should be a Christian nation. God%26#039;s law reigns above all.

B) The US should be a secular nation. Religious dogma has no place in good government.

... If you answered mostly A, then you identify more with Republicans and probably think Obama is doing a terrible job. If you answered mostly B, then you identify more with Democrats and probably think Obama is doing great.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Well you need to get off the fence. Voter apathy and indifference is what got this country in the mess it%26#039;s in. You need to watch the news, both local and national, listen to talk radio, read the newspaper, and check out online news sites. So instead of taking a poll to know what other people think, you can decide for yourself.

But if you want my opinion I think Obama just got a wake up call that this president thing won%26#039;t be as easy as he thought. He%26#039;s spent us into a bigger hole, kowtowed to every third world dictator, pushed a socialist agenda and we%26#039;re no better off than we were under Bush. The government needs to wake up and start acting responsible.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Thank you, asking is how to learn. I%26#039;m an independent who believes that you cannot spend yourself out of debt and that is what he is doing putting you and your future in doubt for a few social programs is not a good thing to do. Being 64 his decisions do not effect me as much as they will you. You%26#039;re the one who will be paying for all the borrowing he is doing. PeacePoll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Changing America for the Better. I think his poll numbers are going to continue to down for awhile until the changes start taking affect. After that I think they%26#039;ll go back up.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Well his first day he lets the terrorist go and gives money to fund abortions, does that sound good to you?Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?I%26#039;m only 13 but i sometimes watch the news with my mom and from what i hear obama is blowing it.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?he%26#039;s doing great if you like european socialismPoll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Obama is putting America back to the way it was before Bush got in office. Most people realized that the country had been changed in a bad way. We lost diplomacy, consumer protection, environmental or even national park support, business went haywire from lack of supervision...

It is a long road back - it took a long time to break down.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?He%26#039;s doing good. He%26#039;s better than any Republican president we%26#039;ve ever had.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Tell your Dad to calm down. Ask him if he thinks he can do a better job. Barack has to deal with the worst recession since the Great Depression and deal with 2 wars that Bush left him.Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?Changing it for the better. And really only time will tell anyways...Poll: Obama - Screwing Up? Or Changing America for the Better?This country will be fine despite BO%26#039;s reckless spending.
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