Friday, June 3, 2011

How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?

They are the main supporters of Conservatism and the Republican Party.

Will whites leave in droves for Europe like they did in South Africa, South America, South East Asia and the Maghreb?How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?Are whites fleeing from California in droves?

That's a white minority state. With a Republican Governor.

Are they fleeing from Texas?

That state is on the verge of becoming a white minority state. With a Republican Governor.

I don't know how much it will change. Maybe LULAC will finally stop protesting every freakin' thing. (sometimes accidentally even pro-latino causes)

But it is a good idea to teach our children Spanish and maybe Mandarin or Cantonese.

I love the befuddled look on a hispanic's face when he/she realizes I understand everything they say.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?I hope not, too many fellow Latinos here think about themselves rather than whats best for this country.

As a fellow Conservative, a one party representative will only lead to more coruption and mismanagement.

MAny Latinos from Mexico are confused, they believe the Democratic party in Mexico is the same here, it isn't. In Mexico the Democratic party more closely ressembles the REpublican party here.

When they wake up and see they have been duped, it will create a new mass of Conservatives.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?I'm going to give minorities more credit than you are and suggest that they are not stupid. When minorites realize what liberalism in it's current form is doing to this country they'll change their minds.

Whites were never the majority in any of those places you are writing about.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?It will still be hilly on the sides and kind of flat in the middle.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?the term %26quot;caucasian%26quot; has changed immensely within the past 10 years. the government now considers hispanics and arabs as white...i'm not sure if whites will ever really be a minority at this rate.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?I think Hispanics will become the new conservatives, but they will be like canadian style conservatives, in favor of social programs but not about government running businessesHow will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?There is a lot of time (33 years) between now and then. Predicting who will be a minority and what the implications will be is pure speculation.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?It won't change much.

In cites like El Paso and San Antonio, Texas, Whites have been in the minority for years and nothing has changed.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?Of course not, I think things will stay the same politically, many hispanics are very conservative.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?I think the Hispanics will be the new conservatives.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?Dream on. You remind me of the south end of a north bound goat.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?depends on your definition of white is.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?Carlos Mencia will replace Glenn Beck and the news just might get a little more enjoyable.How will the political landscape of America change in 2042, when whites become a minority?I'm going to Canada for my retirement...