Friday, June 3, 2011

What are the key ways in which colonial America changed between its founding and the mid 1700s?

Are there significant changes in colonial economies? Political systems? The social structure of colonial society? The worldview of the colonists?What are the key ways in which colonial America changed between its founding and the mid 1700s?1.Times wer good before the Revolution. The Seven Years war was over, and America was the LEAST taxed British colonie, but Americans wanted their rights as stated by the Virginia Company and the English Constitution. So the war began. I blame Samual Adams for getting this all started. (Want some irony? Sam Adams was a tax collector.)

2. The political system was this-Virginia had the House of Burgesses, it basicly gave the colonies little voice. They wanted a voice in parlimant, so they had say as the English Constitution stated.

3. The social structure was like this-Slaves%26gt;Free Slaves%26gt;Farmers%26gt;Middle class merchants%26gt;%26gt;Upper Class Merchants or polital figures (Goveners)

4. The worldview of the colonists was very good, its just that the British saw the colonists as savage, beastly, poor, and such. But in truth, they were just like the British.