Thursday, November 25, 2010

Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?

People, we need to worry. We need to act. Many of us are. Many more of us need to ! I am getting involved and you should too. Let`s snuff out the Obama and his leftist supporters in ALL GOVERNMENT LEVELS AND POSITIONS.....We have a lot to fear, but our collective actions can squash our adversaries so easily. JUST VOTE when the time comes. Just do that at least. Please.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?I completely agree. Not with your political position, but with your sentiment. It's very refreshing to see somebody call for legitimate change, rather than the military coups called for every day by the lunatic fringe.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?We need to get honest, normal people into power, starting with local elections.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?America is always changing.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?HELL YES!!! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'll be frontline and center with Glenn Beck 8/28/10!!! We're about to take this country back!Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?The President won by nearly 10 million votes. His policies are what most Americans want.

45,000 Americans die every year from problems related to poor medical coverage.

If you are against health care reform, it means that you want 45,000 dead Americans next year, in addition to all that pointless agony and fear. Why do you hate Americans?Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?According to Republicans American (and the world) changed on 9/11. It was changed by a group of right-wing religious zealots.

Guess that's who you should worry about.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?That is how I felt about Dubya. Don't worry, the cons will get in control again until they screw it up. It is a cycle.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?This government cannot be salvaged. And America is simply too self absorbed and lazy to do what it would really take to start over.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?I have voted before and will continue to do so.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?I see it coming, because of programs like acorn, and since it's against the law to shoot the bums, we have a long row to hoe.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?I'm glad you are talking about peaceful, democratic change. I disagree with your ultimate opinion but agree with your solution.

some words of wisdom though, you may want to put some more thought into using the word %26quot;snuff%26quot; in correlation with the leader of the United States because you might end up with an FBI file (unlikely but I wouldn't be surprised if some desk jockey doesn't look at your posting before disregarding it as harmless). Not being PC or anything, I really don't care but thought I'd give you a little tip.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?No, I am not. In fact I would be pleased if the USA became a Social Democracy like many Western European nations.

Be careful with that %26quot;snuff out%26quot; and %26quot;squash our adversaries%26quot; battle cry. You may not like it but we do have an electoral system in the USA. Seems you are advocating the overthrow of a legally elected government.Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?GLENN BECK IS A MORON!!!!! OBAMA in 2012!!!Are You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?Yes........His administration is a Regime. It is like he is on a visiting tour around the world and Pelosi and Reid are taking us over a cliff. Our economy suc**. No transparency, behind closed door meetings, paying Senators off for their vote. What is with all this corruption. We do need to clean house at all levels. I will vote against anyone that wants to tax me more for anything.

No ObamaAre You Really Worried About A Leftist, Obama Type Regime Changing America, Despite The American People?You know that report on right-wing terrorists the government had? Yeah....I'm starting to believe it...