Thursday, November 25, 2010

Do you want America to be a socialist nation?

I have found that more and more Americans think the government should take care of them. They hate people who make profits. Is America changing? Do you want a socialist government that takes care of you from the cradle to the grave?Do you want America to be a socialist nation?I'd rather die.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?No, no, a thousand times no.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?Absolutely do not want socialism.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?not necessarily. i just don't want a nation that privatizes all profits and nationalizes all risks and losses, which is what the Bush Administration has done.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?Sadly, Socialism and/or Communism would be an admitted improvement over the current system of Neo-conservative Fascism and Organized Fraternal Pig Crime. Obama will likely win 40 states in 5 months.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?I am not worried about it... I live in the real world, this won't happen because we don't have any major politicians that are socialist. ANd IF we ever did then the Congress would vote down their proposals; you need a MAJORITY (not just a scant majority but a strong majority) to enact anything. Our government works on the numbers principle... I AM NOT AFRAID OF THIS RIDICULOUS THOUGHT THAT A MAJOR CANDIDATE IS SOCIALIST.

Pleasae educate yourselves on the definition of that label.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?jeesh, the government is YOU dingle berry.

the %26quot;governement %26quot; is not going to take care of everyone,

everyone in a socialist government takes care of each other.

No, i would much rather be living here in America, where its %26quot;everyone for himself!%26quot;

what do you think?????Do you want America to be a socialist nation?No, I'd rather seem our nation destroyed in war than see it go anymore socialist that it unfortunately already is. Why on earth would we want to become more of a Nanny State? Why surrender more of your precious liberties to a Despotically evil political ideal? It's sad that many of todays Americans have forgotten what it means to be an American.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?No, that's why I oppose Obama and Pelosi and the rest of that evil cabal.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?No! I want more control over my destiny. It's important to me to have opportunities.

Socialism puts you in a box. The government hands you more, but that's all you get. There isn't much opportunity for personal growth and advancement. I may never get there, but I like to think I have a shot.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?why not? it's not like socialism is the devil. why shouldn't we take care of each other, provided that people don't get free rides in life.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?Bush bailing out that southern California bank. that's a form of socialism.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?No, but if taking what is GOOD about socialism (re medicine, etc.) is what it takes to take care of our people who are homeless, hungry and unable to obtain medical care (THAT IS THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS BTW), then we may have to lower our pride and accept that it's the only reasonable solution.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?I have never heard of anyone say that except republicans %26amp; I don't know where they get it from so I assume Rush Limbaugh or Fox News says this...We live in a country based on principles of caring for those who can't take care of themselves. Children, elderly, handicapt, etc. We do well enough to handle this plus it is good for our soul to give a little %26amp; something could happen to any of us where we would humbly need to recieve help...If we have a strong foundation with jobs, education, health care for all we have less need to care for people who could be caring for themselves %26amp; helping others. This is not socialism. It is functionism. It brings a function economy %26amp; a functioning bunch of people. The government actually ends up taking care of less people in the long run. No one wants to be taken care of we all naturally want to feel alive which is what energy, movement is all about. Look at any small child running around. i could say alot more about the comments you have made in that they are not clear thoughts but I appreciate you asking %26amp; not in a trolling way but in a way that you can be educated. No one hates people to make profits they hate people struggling to build businesses of people like Paris Hilton's to see her throwing money away on her doggy's diamond necklace when others are really having a hard time. This is just common decency.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?What about the other part of the profit equation ? The part about losses .

Why should the government bail out those who in seeking great profits incurred great losses ?

In a truly capitalist America the big -time profit seekers would be working w/o a net.

Why aren't theyDo you want America to be a socialist nation?American military which defends America is also example of socialism, Do you want disband military ? disband police force ? close courts ? shut highways ?

Pure example of capitalism would be Afghanistan under Taliban.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?I take care of myself and my family.

I think everyone who is capable should do the same.

This country is lacking in a work ethic - something my father taught me from the time I was little. I don't take the things I have for granted, and I am never afraid of a hard days work (although I have been able to use my intelligence and work ethic to secure much more lucrative employment) - should the day come when I am faced with the choice of taking a lower paying job or going on welfare - I would go work at burger king before I would take a penny.

With that said - there are some people who have legitimate situations where they need help. Some of these situations stem from their own bad decision making and lack of marketable skills - but at the same time there are a lot of people who through no fault of their own have ended up in a bad way, and need some help.

The welfare program in this country needs to be seriously revamped. We need to provide education and incentives to help people get off the welfare rolls, and to prevent the vicious circle of poverty and ignorance that comes from generation after generation living on the taxpayer dime.

Obviously when you simply hand out money to people, the result is going to be that they take it, and expect more. The same as a spoiled child.

We need social programs in this country, but the current system is badly broken. Ironically, the biggest detractors of social programs are the ones who pay lip service to 'jesus' who (if he existed at all) would spit in the face of anyone who didn't put helping their fellow man as their highest priority.Do you want America to be a socialist nation?NO but a little bit would do no harm after all our politicians, all enjoy socialism to the fullestDo you want America to be a socialist nation?Hmmm...

I am a socialist and an anti-racist/anti-nationalist. I am also an anarchist and want one or more forms of libertarian socialism, *not* state socialism. I don't want a government involved.

As for profits, do you mean profits from creating wealth or profits from controlling it?