Thursday, November 25, 2010

How would America change if there is another great depression?

The great depression in 1929 changed Americas economic system greatly. What do you think will happen IF, thats if, we have another depression? Do you think Capitalism will survive? A more socialist model maybe take its place?How would America change if there is another great depression?Since it's the rampant greed and policies of the capitalists that have caused this economic collapse it has to go another way to recover! This means it will have to swing towards a more Socialistic economic system to support the public at large! For far too long a select few have benefited and taken the earnings of all of the workers and taxpayers nationwide! Well when there are no longer any jobs, or wages too low to bother working,and taxes that are too high leaving nothing left for the earners, then something has to give! This is proof positive that Capitalism has failed miserably!How would America change if there is another great depression?If we got hit with another great depression, obesity would probably cease to be problem!How would America change if there is another great depression?Another depression would bring out the animal tendencies in otherwise civilized people.How would America change if there is another great depression?Nature has enough for everyones NEED. It doesnot have enough for anyones GREED.How would America change if there is another great depression?I think it would be a good idea for Americans to start stockpiling food NOW and keep a loaded gun at hand.How would America change if there is another great depression?we soon find out.