Friday, September 23, 2011

Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?

Mexicans enrich culturally our country!

Thanks Mexicans I celebrate with Pinhatas,Ponche, and other beautiful traditions all my Kids birthdays! God bless the Mexican people! E pluribus unum.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?i like the mexicans that i have met.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?Nice try, but you are obviously also a Mexican. BTW we don't hate you guys, we love you as long as you are here legally.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?Cool!Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?today's dia de los muertos

i think %26quot;United we stand%26quot; is mad at u...Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?Support the US Border Patrol!Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?The Mexican culture is beautiful. The food is great. The people are nice. The objection is ILLEGAL.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?Oh and how is that by creating tons of barrios that you dirty up with throwing trash every where and peeing in the public? Not learning english and using social services that you don't pay for?Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?God bless us Mexican-Americans!Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?America is changing - you're right. We're tired of putting up with this nonsense and it's coming to an end. God bless the Mexican people? So you think it's all right for someone to just come invade and take what's ours? You're a little misguided.

If you want to live in America you should at least respect OUR cultures and OUR traditions. You can have your own fiestas or whatever you want, just keep in mind that you're not in Mexico.

We're afraid because we don't want any rapists or murderers running around in our country doing as they please.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?if you only knew,there are alot of Americans of Hispanic descent that are worried,you do not know these people like we do we know what they are about,but liberals like you just see votes to help you regain power,if you so appreciate the mexican culture go to mexico lets see how long you will continue your silliness,or just go hang around any border area,go get a true feeling of the situation before you speak.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?i have a feeling your lying you just called me illegal back thereGood point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?Hey i like mexicans as much as the next gey. If there here legally im fine, but if there here illegally then get the heck out. I support the U.S border patrolGood point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?It's not the latinos or any other ethnic groups that the American citizens take issue with, (We're not afraid of them, by the way!) It's the immigration laws that permit non-citizens to invade the country and expect the same rights and privileges that are granted to citizens. When I say American citizens, I am referring to any and all ethnic groups who were either born in this country or became citizens through the proper channels.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?I am proud of you too !!!Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?you can fool yourself %26amp; others if you can..the truth is illegal aliens have no, zero, zilch positive affect on the USA....think about it..they are lying, thieving criminals.Good point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?The blacks think that us Latinos are going to get part of there hadouts and there welfare , difference is Latinos will work not like the blacks who sit around waiting for a handoutGood point! America is changing and some minorities non-Mexicans and Non-Latinos are afraid of it ! Why?im a mexican american and i lovvvveeee it!!!