Monday, September 19, 2011

Is the only way that America changed for electing Obama, socially?

I think thats what people wanted. Obama is not for change, he is for more of what the govenrment already does, just a lot more.Is the only way that America changed for electing Obama, socially?It will change more before it is over.Is the only way that America changed for electing Obama, socially?So far, yes.

He's not President yet.

But America is and has been stagnant for a long time. We need to invest in new types of jobs for this century, improve our infrastructure, and take care of the the problem that is millions of uninsured in the richest country. Right now we are living in the past. The old ideals of get an education, work hard and you'll be able to afford health care, a home, and retire at a normal age are LONG GONE.

At the very least, Obama showed his support for progression as a society. Whether we will get all of it done in one term is debatable, but it must be done soon if we are to remain a true superpower. Is the only way that America changed for electing Obama, socially?no, america got stupid

Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages the only way that America changed for electing Obama, socially?Obama has stood and told these people he is going to ram the tax rod up their @ssand all they could do was see this BIG RACE CARD in front of them and by the way he not afro american he is biracial and his daddy was Muslim.....

I was not am not aint gonna be for someone who wants to take away everything I have worked for and hand it to someone who lays on their *** watches tv , wont work and gets to be a fat cat while i am working to make ends meet.....Obama can kiss my @ss...........Now the democrats are wanting to take control of the working peoples 401k, and spread it to teh people who do not work..get a F**CKING job you lazy people,.............I hate what the DEMOCRATS stand for ...FREE FREE FREE FREE and all the hand outts you can give themIs the only way that America changed for electing Obama, socially?1/2 of the country did not even change half still thinkspeople should get a job and stop begging for handouts. I did not vote for Obama
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