Friday, September 23, 2011

White peoples fers both conservatives and liberal with regards to ever changing america?

am not being racist i just recently read this article about race relations in america and how it concerns whites, blacks and latinos in america and i was wondering about ur thoughts

pls ans;White peoples fers both conservatives and liberal with regards to ever changing america?My thoughts are that I don't care about the color of anyone in America, as long as they believe and support American ideals. I have been waiting for a lifetime for race not to be an issue. I fear that it is still to many people's benefit to keep groups of Americans divided.White peoples fers both conservatives and liberal with regards to ever changing america?The countries and neighborhoods of %26quot;brown people%26quot; are violent and third world. Those are the facts. And that's what I fear. More concerning, it makes white people minorities in countries and left up to the mercy of the nonwhite majority. It's going to be a nightmare and that's the planet white people will be leaving their children on. It's insane what our Western leaders have done. Insane.White peoples fers both conservatives and liberal with regards to ever changing america?The author suffers from what I like to call.. overwhelming stupidity.

Like most mindless liberal drones he refuses to even consider the decisions and actions taken by minorities, and how that relates to their economic status.

Despite what this idiot thinks, white Americans aren't the cause of the high minority dropout rates.

Despite what this idiot thinks, white Americans aren't the cause of the high crime rates in minorities.

Despite what this idiot thinks, white Americans aren't the cause of the collapse of family structure in minorities.

Despite what this idiot thinks, white Americans aren't the cause of the high drug abuse rates in minorities.