Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?

it's not the color of their skin it's their politics that will change this country .yes it would be a fresh change for this countryHow do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?I think it would be outstanding if we had a black or woman president. both groups have been discriminated in the past and i think it would do a lot to heal the wounds of the past if we recognize members from these groups in high power positions.How do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?2nd time today...........

When and if the right candidate comes far we haven't had any good prospectsHow do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?As long as we have a Congress,things wouldn't change that much.I could see a woman in the not too distant future as long as it isn't Hillary.We need a woman who is strong for our country not just interested in a legacy.Jean Kirkpatrick would have been good ,Condi Rice or Elizabeth Dole(she's getting a little too old though) are good choices.How do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?I lived in Arizona for over twenty years. Jane Hull the Govenor there did a good job of ruining the state

Now Arizona has a bull dyke and seems to be a lttle betterHow do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?It isn't about sex or race, to vote solely on one of these two factors as will happen this next election would cause disaster. I'm guessing this is about Obama and Hillary. One you know nothing about and the other is disturbingly psychotic. Almost every person out there who votes knows nothing about the person they vote for, but know the party they follow told them to vote for a person, so they do. It is about a person's history, not just in politics, but in their life that would help determine this more. I don't think anybody running for office right now could change America, we've sunk and keep sinking. I'm afraid if any of those on either side wins we are looking at the decay and death of our country, language, and our culture.How do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?Why do you Libs keep yarpin on the fact that there *may be* a black and/or female president someday? Do you really believe race and or gender is *the* qualification you need for president? And you call conservatives narrow minded? I'd prefer to know a capable, intelligent, patriotic PERSON (who knows what an HONOR it is to serve their country) was doing the job.How do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?I believe the U.S. is just ready for a change.Be it a woman or a man ,black or white. We crave the change of office, for a difference in the way that things have been run for the last 7 years. For a president who will work for the people not to line their own pockets and take from the needy and help the rich. As a woman i think that Hilary would make a great President. She has shown that she can take hard times with dignity and i think that she has all of our respect not just women but men as well.How do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?It would be ridiculous and silly to choose a president on his colour.

Condie Rice is black , but she's like a devil.

There are good people and bad people in every colour...It doesnt matter if the president is white,black, latino,chinese or what else...How do you think a black or women president would change America, and do you believe it is a good ideal?i think its a great idea!!! but they'd have more trouble getting votes i think because people r still prejudiced against them!! america needs a change from bush!!!!!