Friday, September 23, 2011

How would America change if laws were based on common sense & logic instead of special or personal interests?

The current administration would not exist.

No wars.

No secret services.

Honest media.

No fast food

More informative documentaries in TV and less soap operas.

Smaller cars, with alternative run on alternative energy.

Proper education instead of indoctrination.

Less need for health care because everyone would look after their own health.

Less pollution as a result of less selfishness and greed

No guns

More power to the people, and less power to the government


Great question!How would America change if laws were based on common sense %26amp; logic instead of special or personal interests?Then America would go from a Plutocratic Republic to a Democratic Repulic. Nothing more, nothing less. But.. do you REALLY think the super rich and powerful are going to relinquish their strangle hold on the American public...?