Monday, September 19, 2011

How should a Democratic government change America?

Unless there are dramatic changes between now and the election, it appears that we will have a Democratic president and that Democrats will increase their majority in both the House and Senate. Opposition to the war in Iraq is a major part of that shift, so let's assume the new administration ends the war. What else do you think should be the top priorities of the new majority?How should a Democratic government change America?I'd like to see them focus more on the needs of average Americans than catering to the rich. Doing something about the health care mess would be a good start. Helping out the schools. Getting some money to the states to fund infrastrcture repairs, everything from roads to bridges to hospitals. Investing in research that will prompt better lives and more jobs, like nanotechnology and biotechnology. Getting serious about fighting global warming and preparing for its impacts. Working to protect the environment in general, and especially the oceans. We hear so much that the government can't afford to do anything to help, but they found a TRILLION dollars for that stupid war.How should a Democratic government change America?They should make diaper man the king...then I will fix diapers for all's that?How should a Democratic government change America?Hopefully most Americans have more common sense than to allow that.How should a Democratic government change America?More diplomacy, health care, and probably tax reform so the rich have to pay their fair share. That hasn't happened in a while.How should a Democratic government change America?Apparently by doing nothing, no change at all. The only thing the democrat control houses have done is make more money for energy companies, and tease illegal immigrants by suggesting an amnesty bill.How should a Democratic government change America?First, restore the constitutional pprotections on civil rights and liberties undermined by the neocons.

Second, start getting serious about alternative enrgy. Quite aside from environmental considerations, the Republican's efforts to increase our dependance on foreign oil are nothing short of treason.

Third, start fixing the health care system. I AM NOT talking about socialized medicine--I don't want to see that. But unless there major reforms--and soon--that's exactly what we will end up with

Fourth, an immigration reform bill--including both a guest worker program and resonable amnesty. The right wing won't like this-but they were in power for over a decade and did nothing about this problem--so if they don't like that solution, tough. They chose not to act.

Fifth, restore the support for education and science that made America the worl'ds technological and economic leader. With respect to education, they need to start by repealing %26quot;No (white) Child Left Behind.How should a Democratic government change America?Dems and Repubs are both equally incompetent to run the country. Vote independent this time around.How should a Democratic government change America?If the Dem's gain control, there will be very little change.

Both parties cater to corporations.

The average American will continue to get screwed.

Perhaps the Dem's will not go to war on lies.How should a Democratic government change America?Good Question.

While I do believe Iraq is a major issue I think there are other more important issues at present.

As we all know there are many issues that need to be addressed. Some of the issues I would like to see resolved are as follows.

1). National Healthcare.

2). Immigration laws resolved and enforced.

3). Iraq ( Stay the course OR declare victory ) I can see both arguments.

4). Income tax (I prefer a flat tax based system).

I grow tired of every year having to run around and try to figure out what is and what isn't deductible as well as having to pay for a CPA to do my taxes just in case...Not to mention to help reduce government costs.

5). Energy Incentives to move towards renewable sources of energy.

6). Maintain superior military forces

7). Education laws. Bottom line change current educational system. Enforce rules, corporal punishment allowed in school, figure out incentives to keep kids in school...or restirct those who drop out... Like 2 years Military service infantry if a kid drops out of high school. Our current drop out rate is way to high 30-45% of kids are dropping out of high school THIS TREND NEEDS TO STOP.

8). Decrease welfare spending. 2 years maximum no free handouts. Work for welfare programs.... Nobody sits at home and collects a check IF they are capable of any kind of work. We will find work or educational opportunites for them improve their way of life...Even if they don't want to......

9). Improve ALL Foreign relations. Closing the door to our enemies is wrong. Closing the door means maintaining the status quo. Open doors means the possibility of improving relations...

10. Iran ...MUST stop Nuclear Production.

11). Reduce trade deficits OR impose significant tariffs so that American companies (CREATES JOBS) can fairly compete with other countries.

12). Limit/Stop foreign investment in the UNITED STATES.

13). Examine Social Security and if possible reduce the age limits so that people can enjoy the Golden Years. Social security should also be based on years worked and contributions rather than just age.

14). Stop Drugs. Re-visit Black Ops if necessary.

Drugs are the root cause of many of our social issues. Kids dropping our of school, gangs, inner ctiy probelms... Not just war on drugs but rather....WAR..(meaning WAR not talk or arrests)...

15). Rehabilitate our inner cities through government spending to provide jobs for those who are looking... Roosevelt did it and we can too.

These are the issues for the current and next administration. However most will never be resolved due to our broken political process. There are too many lobbyist and buddy sytems in place and nobody is willing to do what is in the best interest of the country any more. I hope someone like Roosevelt, JFK or Perot come to light. I have not seen any candidate who I believe has the ability to address the important issues facing our country.

I vote for the person who I believe has the interest of the country at heart...I'll vote for the person who I think is most capable of doing the job not the party..

Right now I wish there was a 3rd party.How should a Democratic government change America?I THINK THE ONLY THING THEY WILL DO IS END THE WAR. THEN WE MAY HAVE MORE ATTACKS OVER HERE.