So tell me what's up and if it's true or not and correct me if im wrong. Oh! They also said something about a school in Arizona...can you tell me about that if you know about it?
AND DIVERSITY!..(it's awesome right? I love different cultures! Especially the Japanese culture!!!)Changing America's History Books?They want to make it more conservative.
pro-things that go pew pew
pro-white people that carry things that go pew pew
pro-US nationalism
Impacts... worried that since they control such a large school district, textbooks over the rest of the United States will become more conservative as well.Changing America's History Books?Yes, Texas is adding in many things about christianity and they're taking out ALOT about mexicans/asians, slavery, and Martin Luther King. They're filling them with conservative bullshit.
Edit: I foudn this article, it's from a while back though so they don't have everything they're doing: